Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How did this obsession started?

There are millions of people who seems to be hoping to learn how to speak English, in Japan as far as I can I live here...People seem to be spending so much money on this...Yet, still they seem like having a hard time finding the way...

I am not here to teach English, but to tell you how I made my English as much to have native English speaker to think where I was born...with 10 months living out side of Japan experience as being raised very typical Japanese parents who speaks only Japanese.

...The long story short...I think the key, for my case anyway, is an obsession. Simpler reason stays stronger and longer...

I don't deny the fact, I had people around to give me influences...but I distinctly remember the moment "I" made up my mind for "I will be able to speak English", when I was in high school.

It was in 80's...I was an annoying teenager back in good days of 80's. There was no Internet, was the time of VHS...or even before for my family...but there was Television. Cute face rock bands from UK, cute faces were from UK (or thats how I remember anyways) were visiting, liking Japan time to time and they were on TV shows. For some reason, there was always the same girl interpreter with any musicians on the shows. As my obsession mind was following all those cute faces, I could not help nothicing the unfairness of her getting all the chances to work with all those cute faces ALL THE TIME.

Then, this is what I decided: " I am going to be an interpreter and do that job she's doing". I can call it that was the first my biggest life decision I made for myself. I am glad I did though.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you wrote more on your blog. I lie in Japan too, but am from New Zealand. I learned Dutch as a child when my family lived in the Netherlands for one and a half years.
